Deidre Jones

In 2013 Deirdre became a mother and for six years her art practice was confined to the domestic realm. Creative expression consisted of a kind of “Maintenance Practice” where laundry, cleaning and organizing became her version of “Chop Wood, Carry Water” as it’s called in the Zen tradition of Buddhism. As her child grew, and after he returned to local neighborhood school after pandemic closures, she began expanding her studio practice again, out of the home and back into the broader world. She sees herself as a “Re-emerging Artist.” Currently she has an active studio on the ninth floor of the professional arts space: Mana Contemporary in Chicago.

For the duration of the year 2022, Deirdre was resident at Spudnik Press, a community print collective. She explored printmaking techniques using recycled cardboard and made a series of collagraphs and intaglio prints. She produced a large body of print works which were exhibited in the Spudnik Annex Gallery in January, 2023. She is a resident in one of the last rental properties within the green neighborhood of Lakewood-Balmoral in Edgewater, near her beloved Lake Michigan.

Deidre Jones

Stories from Deidre Jones

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David Obermyer

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Eugene I-Peng Tang

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