CPS Lives featured in DAZED Magazine

June 20, 2023 11:00 am

cps lives, dazed, expo chicago, nonprofit, chicago art, chicago public schools, highway, public art, photography

CPS Lives was recently featured in a Dazed article titled The Art World Agitators driving Chicago’s Creative Renaissance written by Ashleigh Kane. The article spotlights EXPO Chicago- a recurring art fair led by Tony Karman, that exhibits international galleries and artists, centering on Chicago.

Thank you Ashleigh Kane for including CPS Lives in this wonderful piece! We are thrilled to have the work of CPS Lives highlighted in an international magazine!



Artists in Public Schools (AiPS) makes art a vital part of public schools. Each donation fuels collaborations that inspire students and elevate artists, bringing diverse voices to the forefront of Chicago’s cultural landscape. All donations, no matter the amount, are greatly appreciated and help our organization make a lasting impact on the lives of artists, CPS students and faculty, and their communities.