Juan Hernandez & Benito Juarez High School
Alyce Haliday McQueen & Ravenswood Elementary
Nelson W. Armour & Lazaro Cardenas Elementary School
Jess Smoot & Cesar Chavez Elementary School
Zhuyan Ye & Robert Healy Elementary
Mariah Karson & Carl Schurz High School
Pooja Pittie & Jones College Prep
Chang Ching “Casper” Su & Haines Elementary
Denise Waite & Lincoln Park High School
Jess Smoot & Cesar Chavez Multicultural Academic Center
Dylan Yarbrough & Joyce Kilmer Elementary School
Steven Gross & Art In Motion
Ludvig Peres & Mozart Elementary School
James Hosking & Senn High School
Kathryn Rodrigues & Sullivan High School
Nathan Miller & Percy L. Julian High School
Sandra Leonard & Columbia Explorers Academy
Andrew Miller & William P. Nixon Elementary School
Dylan Yarbrough & Arnold Mireles Academy
Marzena Abrahamik & Michele Clark High School
Ludvig Peres & Bowen High School
Steven Gross & CPS Administration Portraits
John Mann & Columbia Explorers Academy
Kioto Aoki & Benito Juarez High School
Nelson Armour & Lazaro Cardenas Elementary School
Nathan Miller & Percy Julian High School
Norman Teague & Tilden HS
Lynn Renee Persin & Edison Regional Gifted Center
Lynn Renee Persin & Budlong Elementary School
Justin Schmitz & Taft High School
Doug McGoldrick & William Penn Elementary School
Steven Gross & Ravenswood Elementary School
Jeff Phillips & Marzena Abrahamik: Projection Installations
Marzena Abarahmik & Michele Clark High School
Mia Capodilupo & Henry H. Nash Elementary School
Andrew Miller & Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences
Dorian Sylvain & John L. Marsh Elementary
Doug McGoldrick & Sayre Language Academy
Jeffrey Wolin & Collins Academy High School
Matt Siber & A.N. Pritzker Elementary School
Cyraina Johnson-Roullier & John Preus
Marzena Abrahamik & Justin Schmitz at Michele Clark High School
Scott Fortino & Interior Spaces
Krista Wortendyke & Senn High School
Kioto Aoki, Jan Tichy & Benito Juarez Community Academy
Kelly Costello & Galileo Scholastic Academy
Jim Iska & Stone Scholastic Academy
Janet Mesic-Mackie & Amundsen High School
Edra Soto & Westinghouse College Prep
Eileen Ryan & Jones College Prep
Melissa Ann Pinney & Ogden International High School
Jeff Phillips & Dorian Sylvain: The BMO Harris x CPS Lives Mural, Summer 2020
Marzena Abrahamik & Michele Clark Magnet High School
John Preus & Sullivan High School
Bob Thall & Tilden Academy
Jeff Phillips & Phoenix Military Academy
Jim Iska & Nicholas Senn High School
Rhonda Brown & University of Chicago Charter School: Woodlawn
Faheem Majeed & “What Shall I Tell the Children?”
Michelle Keim & Nicholas Senn Highschool
Michelle Keim & William Jones College Preparatory High School
Melissa Ann Pinney & Ogden-Jenner Academy of the Arts
Whitney Bradshaw & Chicago High School for the Arts
Cecil McDonald Jr. & Senn High School
Eileen Ryan & Waters Elementary
Sa Schloff & Mather High School
Jaclyn Silverman & East Side Volume One
Doug Fogelson & Roberto Clemente Community Academy
Dorian Sylvain & Dolittle Elementary School
Bob Thall & Carl Schurz High School
Scott Fortino & The Noble Academy
Bob Thall & Eugene Field Elementary School
Bob Thall & Roger C. Sullivan High School
Jan Tichy, Kioto Aoki & Benito Juarez Community Academy
Jay Wolke & Dolittle Elementary School
Suzette Bross & The Principal Project
Marzena Abrahamik & Young Women’s Leadership Charter School
Kris Brailey & Polaris Charter Academy
Janet Mesic Mackie & Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences
Janet Mesic Mackie & Amundsen High School
Melissa Ann Pinney & The Bell School
Michelle Keim & Lane Tech College Prep High School
Jay Wolke & Gary Comer College Preparatory Middle School
Carlos Matallana & Smyser Elementary School
Kioto Aoki & Mark Sheridan Math and Science Academy
SAIC Collaboration & Drake Elementary School
Class of 2025
Juan Bãnos Arjona
Kat Bawden
Teresita Carson
Johnathan Michael Castillo
Nia Easley
Eseosa Edebiri
Brian Herrera
J. Daniel Hud
Hillary Irene Johnson
Deidre Jones
Tulika Ladsariya
Haerim Lee
Seonyoung Lee
Miguel Limon
Natasha Moustache
David Obermyer
Armando Roman
Jessica Shapiro
Nyia Sissac
Eugene I-Peng Tang
Class of 2024
Nelson W. Armour
Kris Derek Hechevarria
Juan Hernandez
Jayne King
Sandra Leonard
Alyce Haliday McQueen
Jess Smoot
Chang-Ching “Casper” Su
Denise Waite
Class of 2023
Steven E. Gross
James Hosking
Mariah Karson
Andrew Miller
Nathan Miller
Ludvig Peres
Pooja Pittie
Kathryn Rodrigues
Dylan Yarbrough
Zhuyan Ye
Class of 2022
Marzena Abrahamik
Kioto Aoki
Mia Capodilupo
John Mann
Doug McGoldrick
Lynn Renee Persin
Justin Schmitz
Norman Teague
Class of 2021
Cyraina Johnson-Roullier
Jeff Phillips
John Preus
Matt Siber
Dorian Sylvain
Jeffrey Wolin
Class of 2020
Suzette Bross
Kelly Costello
Scott Fortino
Jim Iska
Janet Mesic-Mackie
Melissa Ann Pinney
Eileen Ryan
Edra Soto
Bob Thall
Jan Tichy
Krista Wortendyke
Class of 2019
Whitney Bradshaw
Kris Brailey
Rhonda Brown
Doug Fogelson
Cecil McDonald Jr.
Michelle Keim
Faheem Majeed
Carlos Matallana
Sa Schloff
Jaclyn Silverman
Jay Wolke
Class of 2018
Paul D’Amato
Jaclyn Jacunski
Maggie Meiners
Sandra Steinbrecher
Moe Zoyari
Our Schools
Click a shape to enter
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Neighborhood School
Charter School
School List
Irma C. Ruiz Elementary School
Bernard Moos Elementary School
Joyce Kilmer Elementary School
Frederick Douglass Academy High School
Cameron Magnet School of The Arts
Walter Payton College Preparatory High School
DeWitt Clinton Elementary School
Robert Healy Elementary School
Carl Schurz High School
Haines Elementary
Lincoln Park High School
Cesar Chavez Multicultural Academic Center
Art In Motion
William P. Nixon Elementary School
Bowen High School
Columbia Explorers Academy
Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep HS
Percy Julian High School
Budlong Elementary School
Rowe Elementary School
William Penn Elementary School
Ravenswood Elementary School
Collins Academy High School
William Bishop Owen Scholastic Academy
Edward Tilden Career Community Academy
Mozart Elementary School
Henry H. Nash Elementary School
Lazaro Cardenas Elementary School
Arnold Mireles Elementary School
Harriet E. Sayre Elementary Language Academy
George Westinghouse College Prep
A.N. Pritzker Elementary School
Edison Regional Gifted Center
William H. Taft High School
Stone Elementary Scholastic Academy
Michele Clark Magnet High School
John Vanderpoel Humanities Academy
John L. Marsh Elementary School
Ogden International Jenner Campus
Washington D. Smyser Elementary School
Jean Baptiste Point DuSable High School
Wendell Phillips Academy High School
Arthur Dixon Elementary School
William H. Ryder Math & Science Specialty Elementary School
Lane Technical College Preparatory High School
Gary Comer College Preparatory Middle School
Roger C. Sullivan High School
Daniel Hale William Preparatory School of Medicine
University of Chicago Charter School: Woodlawn
Beulah Shoesmith Elementary School
Augustus H. Burley Elementary School
John B. Drake Elementary School
Ogden International West Campus
Alain Locke Charter Academy
North Lawndale College Prep High School
Gurden S. Hubbard High School
Chicago High School for the Arts
George Manierre Elementary School
Walter H. Dyett High School for the Arts
Hendricks Elementary Community Academy
Nicholas Senn High School
Waters Elementary School
William Jones College Prep High School
Stephen T. Mather High School
Galileo Scholastic Academy of Math & Science
George Washington High School
Roberto Clemente Community Academy
The Noble Academy
Eugene Field Elementary School
James R. Doolittle Elementary School
Ogden International East Campus
Walt Disney Magnet Elementary School
Ashburn Community Elementary School
Marie Sklodowska Curie Metropolitan High School
Benito Juarez Community Academy
Charles R. Henderson Elementary School
Phoenix Military Academy
Whitney M. Young Magnet High School
Mark Sheridan Math & Science Academy
Young Women’s Leadership Charter School
Polaris Charter Academy
Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences
R. Amundsen High School
Alexander Graham Bell School
July 8, 2022 5:30 pm
Each donation supports our organization, our artists, and the schools we work with! All donations are greatly appreciated, no matter the amount, your contribution helps CPS Lives make a difference!